Poltips 4 Warranty and Liability
1. If any media or materials supplied are defective the NOC will replace them at no charge.
2. Information on new versions of the software will be made available on our Marine Applications Platform. You can link straight to the relevant page by clicking the 'News…' button in the Poltips-4 application.
3. The NOC will provide basic technical support for all Poltips-4 users. This will be limited to installation problems or problems / suspected bugs in the software.
4. We do not guarantee that the functions contained in Poltips-4 will meet your requirements or that the operation of the program will be either error free or appear precisely as described in any
documentation or publicity material.
5. No responsibility can be accepted by the National Oceanography Centre for any consequential loss or damage arising from any use that is made of Poltips-4 and output from the software howsoever caused.
6. All implied warranties, terms, representations and conditions, including (by way of example only) the implied conditions of satisfactory quality and fitness for any purpose of the information, are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
7. This Agreement is governed by English law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
For more information on Poltips 4 see our user guide.