CS3 Tide+Surge, Tide only and Residual Surge Data Files
Hindcast of hourly level and current simulations from the NOC CS3 Model are available for total tide and surge (T+S) and surge residuals for the years 1992 onwards. The model makes use of meteorological data from the UK Met. Office Operational Storm Surge Local Area Model (1992
to 1998), Mesoscale model (1999 to 2005), North Atlantic European model (2006) and the extended area CS3 surge model (CS3X) (2007 onwards). The data being hindcast from the NOC CS3 and CS3X Models using a combination of measured and modelled meteorological data.
Tide level and depth averaged current speed and direction, hindcast or prediction, can also be supplied as time series from the NOC CS3 numerical model. Tidal prediction is based on up to 50 tidal harmonic constituents. The NOC CS3 and CS3X model grid have a resolution of 1/9° latitude by 1/6° longitude (approx. 12km).
Position of Parameters within CS3/CS3X Model Grid
The values for elevation, z (metres), east component of current, u, and north component of current, v, (both m/s) are all sited at the centre of the grid square.
Naming convention
Files are named siiijjj_yyyy.dat for tide+surge, riiijjj_yyyy.dat for surge residuals
where iii and jjj represent the CS3 or CS3X model grid reference with iii ref (CS3X) = iii ref (CS3)+48 and yyyy represents the year.
Format of Data Files
Each data file contains the time series data for every location, for a specific year, indicated by the filename. For each location the hourly time series, for each parameter, z (elevation), u (east-going current component) and v (north-going current component) is given. Each record holds twelve hours of data followed by the date and hour with format (12f6.2,1x,2i2,i4,1x,i2). There are two records per day, the first record covers 0000hrs to 1100hrs, the second record 1200hrs to 2300hrs, the hours value at the end of each record (either 00 or 12) indicates the starting hour of each line.
Sample Output